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"When I feel good about my body, my sexual attraction for that guy is not there." "Feeling my own sense of masculinity feels a lot better than sex with guys." "When I'm connected to myself and other guys, all my issues go away."
(Statements from actual clients)
Are you a therapist who needs consultations
about your SSA clients?
Many therapists find themselves in a quandary of not knowing how to help their SSA
clients with sufficient knowledge or expertise. Others have received training but find
they need consultations from an experienced Reintegrative Therapist who can help them
resolve the difficult transference (or counter-tranference) issues that face them and
their clients.
Whatever your need, I believe I can help you with professional consultations, and I
would be happy to do so. Consultations can be 30 minutes or 60 minutes. Please contact
me via the Contact page.
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